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R-here Degoo is very big disappointment. I joined Degoo cloud around 2017 and since then I have accumulated over 1.24 terabyte of storage and one day in December 2022 I checked my phone and I was left only with 106 GB of storage in my account, rest of it was gone. So I have tried to contact the company via email many times, but got only 2 answers in return: #1 email was I got support ticket and I will be contacted by support team later. Did not happened. I emailed again few times. #2 about 10 days later I got response that the company updating cloud storage accounts and I should upgrade my plan. So I emailed back to get answers about my missing cloud storage and again no response and that was in middle of the December 2022. Now, today January 4, 2023 I went back to my Degoo account and to my surprise I have only 20 GB left. Just wondering what is going on with this company. No more free 100 GB which is still advertised online. No answers to emails. Whoever runs this company is very unprofessional. I hope someday someone will get back to me to answer questions I have been asking repeatedly. One can only hope I guess. 350c69d7ab


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